Monday, October 14, 2013

"Shoes: Part I"

Shoes are literally the foundation of a man’s personal style.  Many men dress themselves from top to bottom, but I believe it is wiser, like most things, to start from the beginning. Only a foolish architect would build the top floor of a skyscraper before pouring the foundation.  Any sensible man would never propose to a lady before they have met.  Students would never presume to receive their diploma before they have fulfilled their courses.  Thus, shoes should never be an afterthought because they are foundational. 
            Now that we have established the importance of shoes, deciding what kind to wear is an art in itself.  First, shoes should never be filthy or tattered, unless you are doing yard work.  I cannot tell you how many men I have met who see ragged shoes as a virtue, a testament to the longevity of their footwear.  In reality, by wearing shoes past their prime you are only testifying to the expired date of usefulness.  When a shoe is dying, let it die in peace…in the garbage can.
            Shoes should never be purchased solely by cost.  If a shoe is both affordable, and well crafted, by all means make the appropriate decision.  However, if the shoes are inexpensive, it could be because of a lack of quality, thus being a poor economical decision because of potential replacement costs.  It is better to spend $300 on shoes that will last 5 years, than $100 on shoes that will last only 1 year.
            Leather is the best material to invest in.  The companies that I find use the highest quality leathers are John Varvatos, Frye Boots, Timberland Boot Company, and Red Wing Boots.  This is not to say that obscure bespoke companies are not using quality materials; instead, this is a list of brands that are accessible, affordable, and very well made. 

Advice:  Start the quest for a quality and versatile pair of shoes. 

Friday, October 4, 2013


Every modern gentleman should own a good pair of sunglasses.  Those who believe it is a virtue to purchase cheap eye protection from the spinning racks at their local CVS are depriving themselves from the ethereal experience of saving capitol, researching brands, choosing a style, and finally buying a pair of the perfect sunglasses to compliment the unique curves of their face.  Spending for the sake of spending is irresponsible, and so is going into debt for the sake of style.  However, quietly saving for an item of quality is an ethically sound decision.  Not only will the item last longer because of superior craftsmanship (thus preventing the unnecessary purchase of replacements) but the true gentlemen will also establish their personal style, creating an aesthetic tone that ultimately says he cares about those around him by presenting a visual presence that rivals beautiful architecture, or stunning landscape. 
            Lenses: Men of knowledge will aggressively seek to find optics with glass lenses, as opposed to polycarbonate materials.  Glass will resist scratches, provide clearer visibility (if cleaned appropriately), and if pared with polarization, will be antireflective. 
            Lens Color: Any hue of green creates a sophisticated look, reminiscent of savvy gentlemen riding Vespas around the Italian Riviera.  Grey is best paired with suits, as to not emphasize any singular element of presentation.  Blue is my personal favorite, evoking the 60’s when style pared traditional fit with progressive color. Brown tones are fantastic for casual wear, or a day on the yacht.
            Frames: Plastic frames are fine, if they are well-made and pared with quality hardware. Only John Lennon and Harry Potter should wear small circular frames.  All other men should opt for medium to large, flat frames.  Wrap-around glasses died in the 90s and should not be worn unless you are riding a high-performance bike and wearing obnoxious spandex plastered with fake sponsors.  Aviators are best in wire, but avoid excessive use of gold.
Fit: Sunglasses should easily fit, avoiding pressure on the bridge of the nose, or collision with the cheekbones when smiling.  The stems should reach behind the ear, and the frames should stay on when leaning forward, per tying one’s bootlace.  Never wear them indoors unless you are a 60-year-old jazz musician, or are blind.  When lunching on a veranda with a fetching prospect, be sure to remove glasses for the purpose of achieving traditional eye connection. 
Recommendations:  Persol sunglasses are one of the highest quality glasses on the market.  They are handcrafted in Italy in small quantities, and are timelessly stylish.  Ray Ban survived the wrap-around revolution and came back even stronger than they were during “Risky Business”. The classic “Wayfarer” are a must in black frames/green lenses, or tortoise shell frames/brown lenses.  Avoid the colorful hipster styles.  John Varvatos crafts a fine pair of sunglasses, although the lenses are not typically made of glass.  Regardless, they have some of the best frames on the market.  Oakley is a mixed bag.  On one end of the spectrum, their glasses are defined by specialized functionality, and the results are perhaps the most hideous sunglasses I have ever seen.  However, their “Frogskins” in black frames /gray lenses, and root beer frames/brown lenses, are works of art, extremely lightweight, and excellent for outdoor activities for the man who wants to maintain style in otherwise anti-style situations (i.e. cycling, kayaking, fishing, hiking).  Also, the “Garage Rock” frames are clever, classic, fitted, and affordable.  Of course, Oliver Peoples sunglasses are interesting but overpriced; and, Mosley Tribes are nice looking, but inexplicably uncomfortable.  Dolce and Gabanna are well made, but the men’s line is limited, thus lacking exclusivity for the price.  Many of the other high-end brands (Versace, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc.) have solidified a reputation by name, but not out of originality or quality. 

Advice:  Find a pair of sunglasses that work on your face, showcase a sense of style, and are crafted with quality.  After purchasing sunglasses, store them in the case, and keep them clean.  They should last, and continue to solicit compliments, for years to come.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


     Consider this inquiry: would we have any motivation without the promise of success?  The inevitably definitive answer to this question is “no”.  The very essence of the word “motivation” is derived from the word “motive”, which is referencing a motion toward a result.  My motive for cooking is to eat.  My motive for taking vitamins is to avoid sickness.  If I eat, my action of cooking is successful.  If I remain healthy, my action of ingesting vitamins is successful.  My awareness that the process of cooking ultimately results in my satiation, and swallowing vitamins results in balanced health provides motivation to accomplish said actions.
     Thus, virtually everything a man intentionally chooses to do is motivated by the desire of success.  I suppose the real question is how one defines success.  If a man is motivated by the end result of becoming rich, then the path that leads to this goal is potentially compromised by less than honorable actions, conniving and forcing one’s path to financial superiority.  If, however, a man is motivated by creating a business that can employ others, and provide security for his family (if his version of success is defined more by selflessness than selfishness), his motives would change, potentially reaching a similar goal as the man who is motivated purely by wealth, but with ultimately different success. Ergo, our perspective of what it means to be successful directly affects our actions.
     Thus, when considering how we are motivated, we must first define the definition of success.  Once the definition has been clarified, a man is far more likely to understand what motivates him, and how to use these motives to reach the promise of success.

Advice:  Examine your personal definition of success.  Understand that our view of success directly influences our motivation, and our motivation directly influences our actions.  When in doubt, administer the litmus test of “selfishness versus selflessness”, and allow your findings to directly affect your decision on how to achieve success.